Put it Away, Put it Away Now!

Put it Away, Put it Away Now!
Cyclone Yasi is yet another reminder that preparation and being organised is truly an important step in every day life. To read that there was no loss of life during what has to be one of the worst cyclones in our life-time is phenomenal. We’ve certainly learned a lot from recent years whether that be …
Yay! It’s Boxing Day and it’s pouring down rain outside, and as I survey the presents received yesterday and lovingly find new homes for some items. One is sticking out like a sore thumb. The unwanted gift. I’m not going to go into what it is as I’m a firm believer in ‘goodwill,’ however, I’m …
The stores would have you believe that Christmas started in October, however with less than a week left until Christmas, if you’re still behind the ‘bauble’ where your Christmas plans are concerned then this little article should help. Now, depending on how big your Christmas usually needs to be in terms of whether you have …
Love Retro Styling? Here are some great websites to check out! 1. Retro To Go Is like a portal to all things retro, including links to current Retro items on Ebay; ideas on how to ‘Retrofy’ your space; retailers with specialising in Retro articles; Modculture News and more. If you want to get started on your love …
Yesterday I picked a flower and lit a candle, put on Dad’s favourite song “I Was Born Under a Wandrin’ Star”. Then made a special breakfast the way Dad used to do it. “Happy Father’s Day Dad, this is my tribute to you”. It’s the simple things that make Father’s Day, even for those of …
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