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Can You De-clutter 50 Things Before Easter?

I’ve just finished reading a book by Gail Blanke entitled Throw Out Fifty Things, which I can highly recommend!

These 50 things can be objects, habits or anything else having a negative impact on your life and your surroundings. The catch? When it comes to objects, a cluster of worn down pencils, or a bunch of biros that won’t write any more for example is classed as a group or ‘one’ thing, so are a collection of say recipe magazines, a box of fluffy toys or a heap of emails.

Why not use this as an inspiration to help you clear the house before the Easter holidays and the visitors arrive, why don’t you take up my challenge this coming weekend and see if you can throw out 50 things before Easter?

Perhaps you could make it a family challenge as an incentive to get the kid’s rooms cleared out, as well as hubby’s shed or den. Maybe make it a competition with a friend, a neighbour or a relative? Whatever it takes to keep you motivated and make it fun. Remember, even getting something like a scheduled routine meeting or class you’re not getting anything out of anymore can class as ‘one thing’, so really have a look at what you can do without. Even if it’s that chocolate bar hidden in the back of the fridge marked “in an emergency break wrapper” … then again? I  might have to personally re-think that one, there are after all such things as ‘rewards’ for a job well-done!

I look forward to your feedback and don’t forget to check out Gail’s book for more inspiration when you’re done.

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